Revisit your defined buyer persona (or target customer) and make sure that it accurately encompasses the CFO, CEO, or managers who would help get your software ushered into a business. Both your marketing and sales teams need to work together to develop your buyer persona. Without input from sales, you could be marketing to someone who doesn't have the slightest intention of purchasing your software. Your sales team knows when someone is likely to make a purchase instead of just simply researching and window shopping. Without input from marketing, you could end up with a mismatch, where you're marketing to a business that can't use your software to reach their goals. Together, your marketing and sales teams qualifying your buyer personas help you save a lot of time and resources, while also connecting you with the businesses most receptive to your software.
If you feel your marketing and sales teams are on the right path with defining your buyer personas, then it's time to check your SEO. Make sure you are tagging your content with keywords your buyer personas use when searching for solutions in their industry. You'll also want to check the search volume on these keywords. If the search volume is too high, your content might be getting buried by more established companies. There are several tools available to help you, like Long Tail Pro.
Once you’ve made contact with your leads, it’s crucial to continue building a relationship with them. Listen to their questions and create follow-up content that answers them. For instance, when one of your leads downloads an eBook, send them emails with blogs that expand on the subject and answer further questions they may have. Create a workflow of content that feeds every question they may have and some they hadn't even thought of yet. This is why researching the businesses that use your software is essential. These businesses are coming to you because they want a solution, so you must show them that you can offer it. This process will also give you ideas on how you can tweak your software to help these businesses expand, grow, be more efficient, and face their challenges. The goal is to help them feel informed and comfortable purchasing your software at the end of their buyer's journey research.
Businesses aren’t going to buy your software if they don’t believe you are qualified to give them advice on their business, sales, and marketing goals. This authority can come through the aforementioned content showing your expertise, but also work towards contributing content to other tech channels. This will help you make valuable connections, expand your reach, and show that other companies and organizations put their stamp of approval on your work. It will also help your software to eventually be endorsed by a more recognizable outlets with high brand name recognition, like Time, raising your own brand recognition. Also try to include honest third-party testimonials, so that your potential customers can get the full idea of how they could be benefiting from your software from businesses with similar goals and challenges.
With pricing it’s key to balance both software value with your target B2B’s price range while also being realistic about where your business stands in the industry. Less established companies can't expect to offer the same pricing packages as industry heavyweights. One way to gauge is to look around and see what your exact competition is offering. Tiered-pricing is the popular choices in SaaS because the basic package appeals to a large base line of your buyer persona who meet similar requirements and price ranges. From there you could create further packages available for purchase, such as a premium package for your customers who are willing to pay more and further customize their software to suit their business. If you are a newer business, think about niche markets in your customer base that are not being met by more established companies and use that to expand your own business. Be careful of spreading your resources too thin by creating too many packages. Tiered-pricing comes with the benefit of allowing you to earn more revenue, but you don't want to offset that with too many costs.