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Let's Talk



Picture of Tim Jones, CEO + Founder
Written by Tim Jones, CEO + Founder
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Most of us don’t struggle to have conversations while in the sales process.  It’s getting more conversations that's the issue.

It seems nowadays, more often we hear about the “X” steps for generating more sales using social media.  At the end of the day, not much changes from the last set of steps you read.

So, I’m not going to give you a new process or new steps for generating leads using social media.  I’m going to give you a list of sites where you can apply your existing strategies to gain more reach.

If you have a successful process for generating leads on LinkedIn, meaning you’ve worked it and generated new business, then you should be able to apply that same process to the following sites or vice versa.  

I say LinkedIn because that’s where I found success.  I have a process for LinkedIn that gets me new business.

Below is a list of B2B social networking sites, a brief description, and a link to each.  I recommend working your way into them by adding a new site each week or month.  

This will allow you to make some adjustments in your workflow for each site, track results easily, and not get overwhelmed trying to keep up with them all at once.  It’s better to ease your way into them unless you have a team working them with you.


B2B Networking Sites

  1. Alignable
  2. Merchant Circle
  3. Angel List
  4. ProMatcher
  5. Opportunity
  6. Pod.io (formerly Referral Key)
  7. LinkedIn



  1. Alignable | www.alignable.com

    Alignable lists itself as a local business network that helps build meaningful relationships with other local business owners.  They promote connecting with the right people over connecting with more people. In Short quality over quantity.

    The site is fairly young; established in 2012, but gaining traction. The founders are really focused on connecting its members with their local business community. Alignable boasts over 1 million established relationships.

  2. Merchant Circle | www.merchantcircle.com

    Founded in 2005; Merchant Circle appears to be the largest network of local businesses.

    Their goal, according to Wikipedia is to h
    elp small businesses network with other local businesses and reach local customers through free marketing tools and social media features.

    They list more than 1.6 Million local businesses in their network.

  3.  Angel List | www.angel.co

    I originally thought AngelList was a great place for investors to meet startups.  It turns out that this platform is a great place to connect with like-minded people and another place to find business opportunities.

    The site is certainly geared towards startups, investors, and angel funds, but these folks also need business services.  So why not dive in and see if you can connect with a few people.

  4. ProMatcher | www.promatcher.com

    Promatcher (formerly venturebeat) is another local business directory and network. The site encourages users to use it as a resource for determining costs and getting estimates for services.  

    It’s a free service that looks to connect small local businesses to local customers. They focus less on connecting users and more on connecting buyers to solutions.

  5. Opportunity | www.myopportunity.com

    Working to climb the social media prestige ladder is a site focused on generating leads for professionals.  Opportunity builds profiles based on the services a user provides and their most urgent business needs in an effort to match users with one another.

     If you say you need new desks in your office, Opportunity will share that information with other users that sell office furniture.  

    It’s an easy way to create a list of prospects with very little effort since the site does it for you.  They’ll even email you as new opportunities come up.

  6. Referral Key now Pod.io | www.pod.io

    Pod.io is another small social site that allows its members to connect and share content with one another.  The goal seems to be to create closer network communities.

    You can find people with similar interests that are close to you in proximity. You can also showcase and promote your business.

  7. LinkedIn | www.linkedin.com


    LinkedIn, probably the most well-known B2B site, is still underutilized. It's often used as a resume site, but you can generate a massive amount of sales leads if you have a good strategy. LinkedIn proudly boasts over 740 million members, making it the largest professional platform on the web. LinkedIn also provides a paid service that will automatically send you prospects in addition to other offerings to help you get more leads and sales.

    While it's true that many see LinkedIn primarily as a place for career progression and networking, its real value for B2B marketing lies in its highly professional context and the quality of its user base. On LinkedIn, you're engaging with a sophisticated audience comprised predominantly of business owners, executives, and decision-makers. This makes it an ideal platform for targeted B2B marketing strategies, as these are the individuals who often have the authority to make purchasing decisions or influence them.

    Moreover, unlike other social platforms where B2C content may thrive, LinkedIn users show a stronger preference for B2B content. This aligns perfectly with the needs of businesses looking to connect directly with other businesses. By understanding this dynamic, marketers can craft their messages to resonate more effectively with this unique audience, increasing the likelihood of converting connections into valuable business opportunities.

Key Differences Between Social Media Platforms: User Engagement and Content Promotion

Social media platforms vary significantly in how they engage users and promote content. Understanding these differences is crucial for businesses aiming to optimize their social media strategies. Below, explore the distinct characteristics of each platform and how they cater to different content promotion needs.


  • Audience Engagement: Facebook is versatile, allowing brands to build a community feel among their customer base. It's ideal for interactive content like photos, contests, and videos.
  • Content Promotion: Broad demographics use Facebook, offering widespread appeal and high engagement potentials through shared content and advertising.


  • Audience Engagement: Twitter’s strength lies in quick, impactful communication. Its character limit forces brands to be succinct yet compelling.
  • Content Promotion: Best for real-time updates and buzz generation, Twitter supports rapid dissemination of brand awareness campaigns.


  • Audience Engagement: Highly visual, Instagram appeals mostly to a younger demographic. It encourages creative visual storytelling and direct interaction via stories and comments.
  • Content Promotion: Integrating effortlessly with Facebook and Twitter, Instagram is perfect for cross-platform campaigns that focus on visual engagement.


  • Audience Engagement: Dominated by female users, Pinterest is a hub for visual bookmarks and inspirational content.
  • Content Why virality matters: Your event's message and imagery could create cascades of shares, raising much greater awareness.otion: Extremely effective for visual product showcases and tutorials, which users can easily pin and revisit.


  • Audience Engagement: LinkedIn's environment is professional, catering to businesses, professionals, and B2B interactions.
  • Content Promotion: Ideal for content that positions a brand as a thought leader or industry expert. It directly connects with decision-makers and industry influencers.


  • Audience Engagement: As a video-driven platform, YouTube is perfect for detailed storytelling and educational content.
  • Content Promotion: Videos on YouTube can reach a large audience due to its strong search engine capabilities and options for promotional integration with other social media.

Each platform offers unique opportunities and challenges for user engagement and content promotion. By identifying and leveraging these differences, businesses can more effectively reach their target audience and achieve their marketing objectives.



Hopefully, this list of sites, if you work them, will provide you with a few new prospects as you connect with more professionals and generate leads online. 

Shoot me an email and let me know which sites help you generate more B2B sales.

Eternal Works has been instrumental in driving client revenue growth by deploying a suite of comprehensive digital marketing strategies. With a team of experts specializing in various fields—including SEO, web design, web development, and social media management—Eternal Works brings a wealth of knowledge and innovation to its projects.

Key Strategies That Drive Growth

  • Expert Team: Their vast team of specialists leverages deep industry knowledge to tailor strategies that meet specific client needs.
  • Proven Track Record: In the last five years alone, Eternal Works has played a crucial role in helping clients generate millions in revenue from online sources.
  • Social Media Mastery: They continuously update their strategies with the most current social media trends and practices, providing clients with cutting-edge solutions to amplify their online presence and profitability.

The effective use of digital avenues allows Eternal Works to position its clients at the forefront of their industries, turning potential into actual sales and substantial revenue growth. Their strategic emphasis on continuous learning and adaptation in the realm of social media ensures that clients receive the most innovative and effective approaches available, guaranteeing sustained growth and a competitive edge in the market.

Discover ETERNAL WORks' Social Media Marketing Services

Are you aiming to amplify your business's reach with social media marketing? Eternal Works stands at the forefront, equipped to transform your online presence. Here's what makes our services unique:

  • Expert-Led Strategies: Our team of professionals is deeply versed in crafting tailored strategies that align perfectly with your business goals. We ensure that every tactic proposed is poised to drive maximum engagement and growth.

  • Comprehensive Service Range: From initial audits to strategy development, and ongoing management, Eternal Works covers all aspects of social media marketing. Whether it's content creation, community management, or analytics, our full-service approach ensures no stone is left unturned.

  • Advanced Technological Integration: Utilizing cutting-edge technology, we track the performance and enhance the impact of your social media campaigns. This data-driven method helps in fine-tuning strategies for even better results.

If you're ready to see your business thrive on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and more, contact Eternal Works . Let us craft a custom strategy that not only meets, but exceeds your expectations. Craft your social media success story with us today!


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