Our founder and a few of his friends wanted to help new business owners avoid some of the challenges they struggled through. If nothing more share their experiences. Push was born out of this simple idea and married with an idea of giving away E-W's services to a new business each year. The idea was simple so the brand needed to be simple too. Using the shape of a fingernail as the counter in the letter "P" of PUSH help subtly enforce the idea of a gentle push forward.
Planning and Strategy is the cornerstone for every project we deliver. It starts on paper and is refined through the diverse isights of our team. These are the tools we use to make sure our solutions match up with the client’s goals and the project hits the mark.
Your brand & your market. What can we learn?
Who are we reaching? What do we want them to do? How do we want them to do it?
What must this product do? What is appropriate? What will make it stand out?
What is possible? What is realistic? What is easiest for your audience?
The design was intended to stand out amongst competitors of any size. The user's can easily begin to recognize where to click and navigate for an extremely friendly experience.
We allowed each team member to be the authority in their area of expertise. This helped each person to focus on bringing their best work to the table. We feel the results are self-evident.
Each team member used the tools they found most comfortable for the job. No need to use a cannon to swat a fly.
The site logo and site turned out much better than I imagined. Collaborating with Tish on the brand & site layout yeilded a better result than I could have done alone. Marcus was able to translate the design for web spot on as usual. Things just click when you have the right team.
Tim J. - Founder
Eternal Works, LLC
To deliver the right solution for Ringenberg Construction; E-W assembled the team based on their core strengths. Meet the faces of the people that made this project successful.
The husband, founding partner and strategist. Music, tea and coffee lover.
Wife, friend, comedian and partner. Project manager, inbound marketing rockstar.